boobs change

How Our Boobs Change Over Our Lifetime

Our boobs are incredible things and even though we’ve lived with them for the majority of our lives (some more than others), we’re not entirely sure of how exactly they work. 

Like everything to do with our bodies, change over time is inevitable and there sometimes very little we can do about it. From our sight deteriorating to skin losing its youthful elasticity, there is a lot ageing is accountable for and your boobs are no exception. 

Your boobs are constantly evolving and really, it’s quite incredible. 

From a changing appearance to how they feel and producing milk when you become a mother, our boobs are truly wondering things and we really think it’s important you’re in the know. So, if you’re ready to learn about the evolution of your boobs, keep reading. 

In Your Teenage Years

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Being a female teenager is hard, not only because you’re developing into an adult mentally but also physically which means your body will be constantly changing. 

Many teenagers would have already had initial breast growth between the ages of 9 and 11 years old but some may be a little later. Is this is the case for you, don’t worry as developing earlier doesn’t mean you’ll have bigger breasts. 

A small bump called a breast bud grows under the nipple and areola (the darker area of skin around the nipple).

As you grow, your breasts get bigger and rounder as the fatty tissue and milk-producing glands inside the breasts also grow. You’ll also see the areola will get bigger and darker and the nipples may stick out more than you’ve noticed before. 

By the age of 17, your breasts should be fully developed but for some this may take longer so don’t compare yourself too much to your friends as everyone is different. 

During this time of growth, you may notice tingling, aching or itching in your chest, and your nipples may swell or become tender. This is all normal and part of the process for growing boobs. You will also find your boobs are somehow connected to your periods and a week or so before you’re due on, your boobs will feel tender, sore and swollen which again is normal and can be treated with painkillers if you need it. Just think, it’s your body warning you you’re about to come on your period, so you won’t get caught out.  

In Your 20’s 

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Your 20’s are a complicated and confusing time for not only yourself but your boobs also. 

They’ll be constantly changing in size due to weight fluctuation that is so normal at this age and as your metabolism dropping to gaining adult weight and continuous body development, you're likely to see your boobs change as well. 

Another common boob trait in your 20’s is the change is fibrocystic which appears through benign lumps in one or sometimes both of your breasts. 

This is due to transformations in your menstrual cycle which will directly affect your hormones such as oestrogen. This can inadvertently have an effect on your boobs creating swollen lumps but don’t worry as this is completely normal although they may be a little tender. If you discover lumps that don’t hurt, then you’re advised to speak to your doctor to get a routine check of the lumps.

At this age, it’s important to start familiarising yourself with your boobs, regularly checking them and discovering what’s normal for you. there are plenty of guides out there to help you check properly but if you find anything out of the ordinary or are concerned about a change in your boobs, then get it checked out as soon as possible. 

In Your 30’s 

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A lot is probably changing in your life during your 30’s, you might have settled down, started a family and found a career you’re happy in. 

For your boobs, this is a good time as gravity is still on your side although many women in their 30’s will be worried about the future of their boobs and the effects of sagging. 

If you’ve had children in your 20’s or 30’s then you may notice that your boobs are not as firm as they once were. The stretch will occur with the weight gain that you experience in pregnancy which after your baby is born will reduce but due to the production of milk, your boobs will stay bigger than usual. This is completely natural and after breastfeeding, they will reduce is size.

In Your 40’s 

In your 40’s menopause is your biggest concern when it comes to your breasts as that will be responsible for the changes that are about to occur. 

As your body starts to produce less oestrogen, your breast will go through a process called involution, which is where the breast tissue is replaced by fat, which is softer. This gives off the feel of being less firm and this doesn’t happen all at once so certain areas of the breast will get fatty which will make the tissue next to it feel lumpy in relation. This is fine but if the lumpy section feels firm then you should get this checked out. 

The elasticity in the breasts will naturally decline in your 40’s and as you age further. This is due to the sag-prevention collagen starting to give way and the elasticity will decline. 

During this stage your breasts will become less dense and why regular mammograms are advised after the age of 40, so doctors can see your breast health much better. 

Protecting Your Assets 

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Although we can’t prevent age-related effects on our breasts, we can protect them during strenuous activity such as running, going to the gym and generally working out. 

The Boobuddy is a revolutionary new asset protection band which sits above your breasts and holds them in place, preventing excessive movement that can be harmful to the Cooper ligaments, you can read all about this by clicking here. 

By reducing the movement, this can prevent premature sagging, especially for those with larger breasts or for those who have had a breast augmentation. 

There is no clear age pattern that your breasts will follow as everyone is individual, your breasts are unique to you.  

The above is just a guideline and you should check your breasts regularly, so you can easily spot any changes. If you do, then we advise going to your local GP just to get a second opinion and put your mind at rest.

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